
If you do not have access to an article, please send an e-mail to ellen.verbakel at to request a copy.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals


Berg, L. van den & E. Verbakel (2022). Trends in singlehood in young adulthood in Europe. Advances in Life Course Research, 51 , 100449, doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100449. [Download]

Josten, E.J.C., E. Verbakel, & A.H. de Boer. A longitudinal study on the consequences of the take-up of informal care on work hours, labour market exit and workplace absenteeism due to illness. Ageing & Society , 2022, doi: 10.1017/S0144686X22000204. [Download]

Quashie, N.T., M. Wagner, E. Verbakel, & C. Deindl (2022). Socioeconomic differences in informal caregiving in Europe. European Journal of Ageing, 19 : 621-632, doi: 10.1007/s10433-021-00666-y. [Download]

Raiber, K., E. Verbakel, & A.H. de Boer. Testing the Informal Care Model: Intrapersonal change in care provision intensity during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Ageing , 2022, doi: 10.1007/s10433-022-00713-2. [Download]

Raiber, K., E. Verbakel, & M. Visser. Helping helpers? The role of monetary transfers in combining unpaid care and paid work. International Journal of Care and Caring , 2022, doi: 10.1332/239788221X16535005914874. [Download]

Raiber, K., M. Visser, & E. Verbakel (2022). The wage penalty for informal caregivers from a life course perspective. Advances in Life Course Research, 53 , 100490, doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2022.100490. [Download]

Ramaekers, M.J.M., E. Verbakel, & G. Kraaykamp (2022). Informal volunteering and socialization effects: Examining modelling and encouragement by parents and partner. Voluntas, 33 (2): 347-361, doi: 10.1007/s11266-021-00315-z. [Download]

Verbakel, E., K. Glaser, Y. Amzour, M. Brandt, & M. Broese van Groenou. Indicators of familialism and defamilialization in long-term care: a theoretical overview and introduction of macro-level indicators. J ournal of European Social Policy , 2022, doi: 10.1177/09589287221115669. [Download]


Begall, K. & E. Verbakel (2021). Opvattingen over gender en het opvoeden van kleine kinderen voor en na de eerste lockdown in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 96 (2): 243-269, doi: 10.5117/MEM2021.2.005.BEGA. [Download]

Mol, C. van, S. Dekkers, & E. Verbakel (2021). De impact van de coronacrisis op het subjectief welbevinden van (internationale) studenten in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 96 (3): 357-383, doi: 10.5117/MEM2021.3.004.VANM. [Download]

Raiber, K. & E. Verbakel (2021). Are the gender gaps in informal caregiving intensity and burden closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from the Netherlands. Gender, Work, and Organization, 28 (5): 1926-1936, doi: 10.1111/gwao.12725. [Download]

Verbakel, E., K. Raiber, & A. de Boer (2021). Verandering in de intensiteit van mantelzorg tijdens de eerste COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 96 (3), 411-439, doi: 10.5117/MEM2021.3.006.VERB. [Download]


Blom, N., E. Verbakel, & G. Kraaykamp (2020). Couples’ job insecurity and relationship satisfaction in the Netherlands. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82 (3): 875-891, [Download]

Zantvliet, P.I. van, K. Ivanova, & E. Verbakel (2020). Adolescents’ involvement in romantic relationships and problem behavior: The moderating effect of peer norms. Youth & Society, 52 (4): 574-591, doi: 10.1177/0044118X17753643. [Download] [Download]


Blom, N., G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel. (2019) Current and expected economic hardship and satisfaction with family life in Europe. Journal of Family Issues, 40 (1): 3-32, doi: 10.1177/0192513X18802328. [Download]

Swinkels, J., T. van Tilburg, E. Verbakel, & M. Broese van Groenou. (2019). Explaining the gender gap in the caregiving burden of partner caregivers. Journal of Gerontology - Social Sciences, 74 (2): 309-317, [Download]


Verbakel, E. (2018). How to understand informal caregiving patterns in Europe? The role of formal long-term care provisions and family care norms. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 46(4): 436–447, doi: 10.1177/1403494817726197. [Download]

Verbakel, E., S.F. Metzelthin, & G.I.J.M. Kempen (2018). Caregiving to older adults: Determinants of informal caregivers’ subjective well-being and formal and informal support as alleviating conditions. Journal of Gerontology - Social Sciences, 73(6): 1099-1111, doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbw047. [Download]

Verbakel, E. and C.W.S. Monden (2018). Higher well-being with similar partner? Testing the similarity hypothesis for socio-demographic characteristics. SocArXiv, July 5, doi:10.31235/ [Download]


Blom, N., G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel (2017). Couples’ division of employment and household chores and relationship satisfaction: A test of the specialization and equity hypotheses. European Sociological Review, 33 (2): 195-208, doi: 10.1093/esr/jcw057. [Download]

Lescure, D., S. Schepman, R. Batenburg, T.A. Wiegers, & E. Verbakel (2017). Preferences for birth center care in the Netherlands: An exploration of ethnic differences. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17 :79, doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1254-3. [Download]

Metzelthin, S.F., E. Verbakel, M.Y. Veenstra, J. van Exel, A.W. Ambergen, & G.I.J.M. Kempen (2017). Positive and negative outcomes of informal caregiving at home and in institutionalised long-term care: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics, 17 :232, doi: 10.1186/s12877-017-0620-3. [Download]

Meuleman, R., G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel (2017). Do female colleagues and supervisors influence family role attitudes? A three-level test of exposure explanations among employed men and women in 27 European countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79 (1): 277-293, doi: 10.1111/jomf.12335. [Download]

Notten, N., D. Grunow, & E. Verbakel (2017). Social policies and families in stress. Gender and educational differences in work-family conflict from a European perspective. Social Indicators Research, 132 (3): 1281-1305, doi: 10.1007/s11205-016-1344-z. [Download]

Verbakel, E., S. Tamlagsrønning, L. Winstone, E.L. Fjær, & T.A. Eikemo (2017). Informal care in Europe: findings from the European social survey (2014) special module on the social determinants of health. European Journal of Public Health, 27 (suppl_1): 90-95, doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckw229. [Download]


Jansen, L., T. Weber, G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel (2016). Perceived fairness of the division of household labor: A comparative study in 29 countries. [Download]

Stam, K., I. Sieben, & E. Verbakel (2016). Arbeidsethos in Europa: Religieuze traditie of modernisering. Religie en Samenleving, 11 (1): 6-30. [Download]

Peeters, L., D. Fettelaar, & E. Verbakel (2016). Gay and Straight Allianties op scholen: meer homotolerantie en een veiliger klimaat voor LHB-leerlingen? Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 40 (2): 89-95. [Download]

Stam, K., I. Sieben, E. Verbakel, P.M & de Graaf (2016). Employment status and subjective well-being: the role of the social norm to work. Work, employment and society, 30 (2): 309-333, doi: 10.1177/0950017014564602. [Download]


Verbakel, E. (2015). Mantelzorgers in Europa. De rol van betaalde arbeid, generositeit van de gezondheidszorg en nationale normen omtrent zorggedrag. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 31 (4): 468-490, doi: 10.5553/TvA/016922162015031004009. [Download]

Zantvliet, P.I. van, M. Kalmijn, E. & Verbakel (2015). Early partner choices of immigrants: The effect of preferences, opportunities, and parents on dating a native. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41 (5): 772-794, doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2014.948391. [Download]


Slenders, S., I. Sieben, & E. Verbakel (2014). Tolerance towards homosexuality in Europe: Population composition, economic affluence, religiosity, same-sex union legislation and HIV rates as explanations for country differences. International Sociology, 29 (4): 348-367, doi: 10.1177/0268580914535825. [Download]

Stam, K., E. Verbakel, & P.M. de Graaf (2014). Do values matter? The impact of work ethic and traditional gender role values on female labour market supply. Social Indicators Research, 116 (2): 593-610, doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0287-x. [Download]

Verbakel, E. (2014). Informal caregiving and well-being in Europe: What can ease the negative consequences for caregivers? Journal of European Social Policy, 24 (5): 424-441, doi: 10.1177/0958928714543902. [Download]

Verbakel, E. (2014). Toenemende publieke steun voor meer eigen verantwoordelijkheid in de zorg? Bestuurswetenschappen, 68 (3): 5-23. [Download]

Verbakel, E. & M. Kalmijn (2014). Assortative mating among Dutch married and cohabiting same-sex and different-sex couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76 (1): 1-12, doi: 10.1111/jomf.12084. [Download]

Zantvliet, P.I. van, M. Kalmijn, Matthijs, & E. Verbakel (2014). Parental involvement in partner choice: The case of Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 30 (3): 387-398, doi: 10.1093/esr/jcu045. [Download]


Akker, H. van den, J. Blaauw, M. Lubbers, R. van der Ploeg, P. Scheepers, & E. Verbakel (2013). Health and happiness among homosexual couples in Europe. International Psychiatry, 10 (2): 31-33. [Download]

Jaspers, E. & E. Verbakel (2013). The division of paid labor in same-sex couples in the Netherlands. Sex Roles, 68 (5): 335-348, doi: 10.1007/s11199-012-0235-2. [Download]

Sieben, I. & E. Verbakel (2013). Permissiveness toward divorce: The influence of divorce experiences in three social contexts. European Sociological Review, 29 (6), 1175-1188, doi: 10.1093/esr/jct008. [Download]

Stam, K., E. Verbakel, & P.M. de Graaf (2013). Explaining variation in work ethic in Europe. Religious heritage rather than modernisation, the welfare state and communism. European Societies, 15 (2): 268-289, doi: 10.1080/14616696.2012.726734. [Download]

Verbakel E. (2013). Leisure values of Europeans from 46 countries. European Sociological Review, 29 (3): 669-682, doi: 10.1093/esr/jcs046. [Download]

Verbakel, E. (2013). Occupational status of partnered gay men and lesbians in the Netherlands: How to explain the gap with men and women in heterosexual couples? Social Science Research, 42 (3): 942-956, doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.01.003. [Download]


Verbakel E. (2012). Subjective well-being by partnership status and its dependence on the normative climate. European Journal of Population, 28 (2): 205-232, doi: 10.1007/s10680-012-9257-2. [Download]


Gesthuizen, M. & E. Verbakel (2011). Job preferences in Europe. Tests for scale invariance and examining cross-national variation using EVS. European Societies, 13 (5): 663-686, doi: 10.1080/14616696.2010.514353. [Download]


Dohmen, A., E. Verbakel, & G. Kraaykamp (2010). Sociaal vertrouwen in de Europese context. Een multiniveauanalyse met 18 landen.

Verbakel, E. (2010). Partner’s resources and adjusting working hours in the Netherlands: Differences over time, between levels of human capital, and over the family-cycle. Journal of Family Issues, 31 (10): 1324-1362, doi: 10.1177/0192513X09360188. [Download]

Verbakel, E. & E. Jaspers (2010). A comparative study on permissiveness towards euthanasia: Religiosity, slippery slope, autonomy, and death with dignity. Public Opinion Quarterly, 74 (1): 109-139, doi: 10.1093/poq/nfp074. [Download]


Verbakel, E. & P.M. de Graaf (2009). Partner effects on labour market participation and job level: Opposing mechanisms. Work, Employment & Society, 23 (4): 635-654, doi: 10.1177/0950017009344909. [Download]


Verbakel, E. & P.M. de Graaf (2008). Resources of the partner: Support or restriction in the occupational career? Developments in the Netherlands between 1940 and 2003. European Sociological Review, 24 (1): 81-95, doi: 10.1093/esr/jcm036. [Download]

Verbakel, E. & T.A. DiPrete (2008). The value of non-working time incorporated in quality of life comparisons: The case of the U.S. vs. the Netherlands. Social Forces, 87 (2): 679-712, doi: 10.1353/sof.0.0125. [Download]

Verbakel, E., R. Luijkx, & P.M. de Graaf (2008). The association between husbands’ and wives’ labour market positions in the Netherlands. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 26 (3): 257-276. [Download]


Verbakel, E. & P.M. de Graaf (2004). Contacten tussen broers en zussen: Traditionaliteit, homogeniteit en restricties. Mens en Maatschappij, 79 (4), 389-410. [Download]


Book chapters

Gesthuizen, M. & E. Verbakel (2014). Work values in Europe: Modernization, globalization, institutionalization and their moderating impact on the occupational class effect. In: Wil Arts & Loek Halman (eds.), Value contrasts and consensus in present-day Europe. Leiden: Brill, pp. 329-353.

Meuleman, R., G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel (2016). Bevorderen vrouwelijke collega’s en leidinggevenden egalitaire rolopvattingen van werkende mannen en vrouwen in Europa? In: Roza Meuleman, Gerbert Kraaykamp & Marion Wittenberg (red.), Nederland in context: Verschillen en overeenkomsten. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 80-105. [Download]

Meuleman, R., G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel (2015). Rolopvattingen van mannen en vrouwen: Nederland in vergelijking. In: Jeroen Boelhouwer, Gerbert Kraaykamp & Ineke Stoop (red.), Nederland in Europees perspectief . Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, pp. 88-113. [Download]

Verbakel, E. (2011). Werken om te leven of leven om te werken? In: Loek Halman & Inge Sieben (red.), Respect man! Tolerantie, solidariteit en andere moderne waarden . Tilburg: Celsus juridische uitgeverij, pp. 137-149. [Download]

Verbakel, E. & E. Jaspers (2011). Fictie of feit: Vooroordelen over homo’s en lesbo’s getoetst. In: Gerbert Kraaykamp, Mark Levels, & Ariana Need (red.), Problemen en theorieën in onderzoek. Een staalkaart van de hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie . Assen: Koninklijke van Gorcum, pp. 261-275. [Download]


Book reviews

Verbakel, E. (2018). A review of: Langer zelfstandig. Ouder worden met hulpbronnen, ondersteuning en zorg, van Van Campen, C., J. Iedema, M. Broese van Groenou en D. Deeg, Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Mens en Maatschappij, 93(1): 99-102. Book review, doi: [Download]

Verbakel, E. (2013). A review of: From parents to partners. The impact of family on romantic relationships in adolescence and emerging adulthood, van K. Ivanova, ICS dissertation. Mens en Maatschappij, 88 (1): 115-118. Book review, doi: [Download]


Doctoral thesis

Verbakel, E. (2008). The partner as resource or restriction? Labour market careers of husbands and wives and the consequences for inequality between couples . ICS-dissertation, Nijmegen. [Download]


Inaugural lecture

Verbakel, E. (2021). Een sociologisch perspectief op mantelzorgen: Negatieve én positieve gevolgen over de levensloop. Inaugurele rede, 17 juni 2021. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit. [Download]


Professional publications

Begall, K. & E. Verbakel (2021). Thuiswerken versterkt opvattingen over traditionele rolpatronen. Sociale Vraagstukken, 10 mei 2021: .

Boer, A. de, E. Verbakel, & K. Raiber (2021). Eerste lockdown had groot effect op mantelzorg. Sociale Vraagstukken, 27 september 2021: .

Blom, N., E. Verbakel, & G. Kraaykamp (2020). In de etalage: Baanonzekerheid en tevredenheid met de partnerrelatie in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 95(4): 387-391.

Dekkers, S., G. Kraaykamp, & E. Verbakel (2020). Studenten op de Radboud Universiteit tijdens de coronacrisis. Cijfers uit de COVID-19 International Student Well-being Study. Rapport, augustus 2020

Dekkers, S., E. Verbakel, & J. Vink (2020). Studenten drinken minder alcohol tijdens coronacrisis., 27 augustus 2020: .

Raiber, K., E. Verbakel, & M. Visser (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on collecting informal caregiving data within the LISS Panel in March 2020. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, Radboud Social Cultural Research, doi:

Ramaekers, M., E. Verbakel, & G. Kraaykamp (2022). In de etalage: De invloed van socialisatie door ouders en de partner op informeel vrijwilligerswerk. Mens & Maatschappij, 97(1): 85-88, doi: 10.5117/MEM2022.1.010.RAMA.

Swinkels, J., T. van Tilburg, E. Verbakel, & M. Broese van Groenou (2019). In de etalage: Sekseverschillen in de ervaren zorgbelasting van partner-mantelzorgers. Mens en Maatschappij, 93(1): 85-87.

Zantvliet, P. van, K. Ivanova, & E. Verbakel (2019). In de etalage: Romantische relaties van adolescenten en hun welzijn: De modererende invloed van groepsnormen. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(4): 432-435.

Verbakel, E. (2018). Mantelzorgers vervangen professionele ondersteuning niet zomaar even., 21 mei 2018: .
